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AXCEL ENERGY® Super shots are dietary supplements that can help you feel energized and mentally alert for hours. They contain a special blend of essential B vitamins, Nootropics, and nutrients — all with zero added sugar.

AXCEL ENERGY® Super shot contain about as much caffeine as 12 ounces of the leading premium coffee.

You can have a boost anytime you need it! So that answer is, “When you’re tired.” Depending on your active lifestyle, here are additional ideas of when you may want to take a AXCEL ENERGY® Super shot:

When you get up: Not a morning person? Is coffee not doing it for you anymore? Try waking up and taking a AXCEL ENERGY® Super shot. It’s a great way to start your day off feeling alert and energized.

After lunch: Tired of that 2:30 FEELING®? You’re not alone. In fact, research shows that more than 70% of us hit the wall after lunch. Let a AXCEL ENERGY® Super shot help you leap over that wall instead of crashing into it.

Before your workout: Want to get in shape but having trouble staying motivated? Make AXCEL ENERGY® Super shot part of your lifestyle and get the energy boost you need to get fit.

During sports: Don’t just get in the zone; stay there longer with AXCEL ENERGY® Super shot’ combination of an energized feeling of clarity and alertness.

When traveling: Anyone who travels frequently knows how tiring it can be. Whether you’re on business or on vacation, a AXCEL ENERGY® Super shot can help you stay alert and energized wherever you may be headed.

On weekends: Weekends can be busy. So, grab a AXCEL ENERGY® Super shot when you’re “on the go” and get the boost you need to tackle your “to-do” list.

At the Bar or Club: Sometimes you need that extra motivation to have a good time and socialize with others. Taking a AXCEL ENERGY® Super Shot will give you that spark to have a night out with friends.

AXCEL ENERGY® products were created for adventurous, hard-working, busy adults, athletes and musicians, but everyone is different. Some people can take the maximum daily amount of AXCEL ENERGY® Super Shots (two bottles per day spaced several hours apart), while others find they do well taking less. To learn how AXCEL ENERGY® Super Shots work best for you, take just half a bottle to start. Wait about 15 minutes, then decide if you still need an additional boost.

Some people are sensitive to having elevated amounts of niacin (vitamin B-3) in their bodies. This can result in an increase in blood flow near the skin or “flushing.” Should you experience a niacin flush, it will generally go away in a few minutes. To help avoid a possible reaction, take half a bottle and save the rest for later.

No. The levels of B-12 and B-6 in each AXCEL ENERGY® Super Shot are within safe limits.

Yes, the product is available to buy at a AXCELENERGY.COM. Visit the shop page.

We do not provide free samples via online. But if you manage to see us attending an event, we would be happy to give you a free sample!


Rhodiola Rosea: are a natural adaptogen remedy for centuries in Russia, Europe, and Asia shown to increase your body’s resistance to stress.

L-Tyrosine: Can support mental performance during high-stress situations and fatigue, as well as improving mood, concentration, and motivation. 

L-Theanine: Supports relaxed alertness, positive mood and cognitive clarity.


Organic Green Tea: Natural source of Caffeine and antioxidants.

Essential B Vitamins:  are considered incredibly important for healthy brain function. They can support mental clarity, energy production for new brain cells, enhanced focus, and may help eliminate brain fog.Vitamin B-12 is involved in a variety of important bodily functions, including the production of amino acids and the processing of carbohydrates into energy. NIACIN (VITAMIN B-3)

Guarana releases energy slowly, producing a long-lasting plateau and is loaded with compounds that have antioxidant properties.

Taurine: may aid various aspects of exercise performance by reducing fatigue, increasing fat burning and decreasing muscle damage. This ingredient is a naturally occurring chemical substance present in meat, fish and dairy products. Taurine can be found in the white blood cells, skeletal muscles, heart and central nervous system of human adults. Taurine plays a role in digestion, and is used to process potassium, calcium and sodium in the body, as well as maintain the integrity of cell membranes. *

Panax Ginseng: is an adaptogen, which are natural substances that are believed to stimulate the body’s resistance to stressors.

Take half a bottle for moderate energy. Take a whole bottle for maximum energy. Do not exceed two shots daily, consumed several hours apart. Discard any unused product within three days after opening. Refrigeration not required.

We recommend taking no more than two bottles of AXCEL ENERGY® per day. Be sure to space them several hours apart. 

  • Women who are pregnant or nursing
  • Children
  • People with any allergic reactions to any of the ingredients.
  • You are currently taking any prescription medications
  • You have been advised by your physician to avoid stimulants or caffeine
  • You have a medical condition that makes you concerned about taking it
  • You are concerned about taking it for any reason
  • Diabetics: While AXCEL ENERGY® s has zero added sugars, we would still advise you to contact your doctor before taking a AXCEL ENERGY®  Super Shot.
  • Animal products: No animal products are added to AXCEL ENERGY® shots.

No, they haven’t. Dietary supplements like AXCEL ENERGY® Super Shots don’t need to be approved by the FDA. However, dietary supplements are stringently regulated and must comply with the provisions of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act as regulated by the FDA.